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New directions in long term care

SocialWork Consultation Group Inc.


Our Mission:


We empower long-term care providers to move past the complex obstacles that stand in the way of quality care and financial stability; with education, training, and a wealth of staff development resources.


As of 2022, SocialWork Consultation Group, Inc. offers in-person consultation. For facilities not in the service area, and those facilities experiencing COVID-related issues, consultants remain available for consultation via Facetime and Zoom Meetings, due to Covid-19 restrictions. We are able to access most EMR systems including PCC, Matrix, Sigma, and My Unity/Vision to assist facilities and to continue staff training and education during this difficult time.

Please contact us to schedule an appointment.




36-hour Basic activity Director Course + 6 hours of Dementia Training

This course covers Alzheimer’s / Dementia training; resident rights; quality-of-life activity care planning; human wellness and self-esteem; etiology and symptomatology of the aged; developmentally disabled, and mentally ill; therapeutic approaches; activity program philosophy, design, resources, standards, and regulation; program evaluation; practitioner behavior and ethics; resident assessment and supportive documentation; management and administration.


Future Courses


Our Programs


Our Consultants

We take great pride in our work. Our goal is to help your community and your residents prosper. The dignified treatment enhances your census. Prospective residents and families are able to tour your building and see enhanced morale and quality programs at work.

our approach

We know long-term care. The ever-changing CMS standards have placed mental health and psychosocial well-being and therapeutic recreation in the spotlight. We understand regulatory and survey complexities. You can trust our judgment.

We can efficiently evaluate a program or system, identify its strengths and weaknesses and begin implementing corrections immediately.

We make it our business to know the regulations inside and out. We keep up with the current survey climate and trends.



We’ve trained hundreds of staff. We teach large and small educational seminars and webinars.

building relationships

We have solid, established relationships with many industry leaders and surveyors. Over the years we have provided training to state survey agencies and ombudsman personnel.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide the highest quality education, training and staff development services to long-term care professionals in a manner that promotes learning and dignified care. SWCG, Inc. helps facilities move past the complex obstacles that stand in the way of quality care and financial stability. We view problems as challenges and have never been satisfied with the “status quo.” We are invested in making a difference.


SWCG Publishing Resources



We are looking for the following professionals to work in Long-Term Care settings in the Chicago metropolitan, Central, and Northern Illinois regions: MSW/LSWs, LCSWs, RN-Care Plan Coordinators, BSW/MSWs, BA/MA-Psychology, CTRS’s and Activity Directors.

For any other inquiries, also use the form.

Let's work together.




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